Happy Anniversary To Me

About one year ago, I posted a picture on Instagram with a latte in hand confessing to my small social media world that I was going to therapy for the first time. While I kept the circumstances secret, I felt compelled to share that I was struggling emotionally. I entered my therapist’s office with trepidation, shame, doubt, fear, and anxiety. But within those walls, I found a sanctuary, a sounding board, and a voice of calm and reason.

Today I entered her office, bouncing off the walls with my second coffee in hand, animated, cheerful, and armed with my “agenda”- my monthly list of topics to discuss with her. She greeted me with a smile and said while nodding to my list, “I love this part of your personality.” I’m grinning just thinking about it, because having an agenda is very like me, and these days I feel more like myself than I ever have before.

I was aware that I was approaching my one year mark with my therapist and I once again, have been looking backward at the change that has happened within the last year. It’s staggering. It feels like both forever ago and yesterday at the same time. Sometimes I still shake my head in disbelief that I am 29 and divorced, and yet I also can’t understand how happy I am now. It all doesn’t seem like real life.

I want to stop and celebrate this anniversary. It might be the most important one I have celebrated yet. It’s the anniversary of changing my life.

Happy anniversary to…

Saying yes to myself

Recognizing my needs

Going against the grain

Figuring shit out

Digging deep for real answers

Having courage

Seeking help

Trusting the process

Having freedom to explore

Redefining myself


WTF do you want to celebrate?