Now I Have To Explain
One of my favorite parts about living in a city are the random conversations I have while walking my dog. These small exchanges usually leave me with a meaningful tidbit to remember in my daily life. The other day, Maple and I ran into a fellow beagle mix and his owner so we stopped to chat. I was happy to hear that my neighbor had recently quit his secure, yet miserable job in order to fully pursue his Masters of Fine Arts and Creative Writing. He told me how much more he was enjoying life, he was writing more to get ready for the semester and was thrilled to be out and about at 3:30 in the afternoon. Then he said something that maybe a few months ago I would have ignored, but now I can’t:
“Now I have to go explain myself to my grandmother.”
I immediately said,
“No you don’t! You don’t owe anyone an explanation!”
He wasn’t convinced so I told him again. I get it though, when we do things that seem risky or “stupid” to other people, we feel we need to justify our actions. He did justify them a bit- “I need to do this now, I won’t have the chance later, we don’t have kids yet, etc.” However, for me, I was sold on the idea when he told me how much happier he was and how this was more aligned for him as a person. No other explanation needed my friend. I hear you.
The path to finding our inner happiness can be disrupted with questions, judgments and doubts. That doesn’t mean we should stop our journey and make sure everyone else is happy with our decisions. As long as those directly impacted are on board and understanding, continue on. We are ultimately responsible for our own happiness, and the only one who can be trusted with this awesome responsibility.
I’m proud of you, dear neighbor, for taking the leap and finding your new happiness.
WTF are you still explaining?