A Life On Display
This past weekend I visited the home of my friends Mark and David who live in Washington DC. I was told that they have a beautiful home filled with art. Being an HGTV junkie and old home fanatic, I was thrilled to see their place. Let me tell you, it did not disappoint.
Mark took me on a tour of their home and told me the history of the neighborhood, the renovations that occurred, and why their home was different than others on the block. I learned the stories behind the art in their house. But what I was really witnessing was Mark recount the life he had created with his husband. On their walls was not just art, but living proof of their journeys, adventures and passion for travel.
It got me thinking- what will be on the walls of my future home? How do I want to live my life? What kind of sanctuary do I want to create? How can I build a life that I would be proud to display?
This could be anything! Our walls could be filled with degrees from various universities, awards from our careers, the Nobel Peace prize, photography and original artwork, children’s accomplishments or mementos from travel. Whatever we value and hold close to our heart can be on our walls. Our passions, and the passions of our partner and family, can fill the blank spaces of our house and turn it into a home. Our lives can be amazing tapestries of journeys, discoveries and triumphs.
Here’s the catch- we have to MAKE it happen. Mark and David didn’t strike gold, which allowed them to leave their professions and travel nonstop. That’s not most people’s reality. We have to craft our life in a way that allows us to make it possible, whether we create the fulfilling career, or the ability to stay at home with our children, or the freedom to travel the globe. This life, this amazing and rich life, requires our constant love and attention to help it blossom into the dreams we crave.
My word of 2016 is momentum. I hope that this year I build momentum as I act with purpose and intention to create my next phase of life.
WTF are you doing to create a life that makes you proud?