"They are numb"
Today’s conversation with my massage therapist:
S- “You’re so open it’s great! You’re so easy to work with. You’re a little tight here but that’s it- there’s nothing there.”
Me- “Wow, it feels tight to me. What do truly tight people feel?”
“Nothing, they are numb.”
“Oh, I see.”
“This is probably something you can't identify with because you are so open. But so much of our society teaches us not to feel pain, so we go numb and tight instead. It’s really sad.”
Such a simple exchange with such a strong message- it’s ok to feel openness, pain, hurt, and suffering. So many people may never feel anything, and how sad would that be? To not truly experience the highs and low of life, the agony and ecstasy, the peaks and valleys? I don’t plan on unpacking and living here, but I do plan on experiencing all that I feel right now, growing from it, breathing through it, and then moving past it.
This is nothing new or earth shattering. But it’s always helpful to have the reminder that what I am feeling is OK.
WTF can you be more open about?