Merry Christmas

**I meant to post this on Christmas, but of course, I forgot. This is a good thing though because it means that I did in fact achieve what I set out to do. I was present with my family, I stepped away from my stress and anxiety, and I was able to enjoy my day. Although Christmas has now passed, I still wanted to post this entry.**

This has been a challenging Christmas season for me. Usually I love listening to Christmas music, crafting handmade gifts, wrapping presents, and decorating my tree. This year I have barely done any of that. I haven’t felt the desire. I joke around that I’m Scrooge, but it’s not that I don’t like any of it, I just don’t have the urge to celebrate. I’ve lost all interest.

I know there will be next year; I know there are other Christmases to be had. However my goal for today is to release my tension, stress and emotions for one day to be present with my family. I’m incredibly fortunate to still have three of my grandparents healthy and jovial to celebrate with this year. I have sweet and caring aunts and uncles, and lively cousins. Who knows how much longer we will have this? We grow up, get married, move out, and move away. Today is a day to cherish those around me because, while we all hopefully have another Christmas, we will never have this one again.

Merry Christmas to all- whether you are overjoyed for the holiday, or just trying to get by, to those with large and small families, or no family at all. Merry Christmas to those in pain, those deep in grief, or those suffering from a loss. I feel for you this year and I’m here with you. My Christmas wish this year is for all those who are not bursting with holiday cheer- I wish for you a moment of clarity, stillness and gratitude. Take a deep release breath and exhale out the harsh words, the judgment, and the stories you are carrying about yourself. You can tackle that tomorrow. For today, let’s choose joy.


WTF can you be merry about?